
Download red alert 2 yuri's revenge 1.001
Download red alert 2 yuri's revenge 1.001

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Oil Derricks did not animate on some maps.Sometimes an exiting vehicle would be stuck on the edge of the War Factory, causing the War Factory to become unusable if the vehicle were chrono'd just as it was about to come out of the structure.This has been fixed by not allowing the player to deploy/un-deploy the Con Yard in this situation. Sometimes the Construction Yard would disappear if it was captured by Yuri Prime, and then Yuri Prime was killed while the Con Yard was being packed up.

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PCs with more than one CD-ROM device caused the game to launch slowly.This is often confused by users in believing moving this slider will increase the game’s speed, which it does not. The game determines the optimal setting before starting the battle. Another way to maximize WOL game performance is to never adjust the Internet Connection Slider (in WOL Options Screen).The higher the resolution setting, the slower the game's performance, especially on lower end PCs.

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  • To maximize game performance for all game modes, it's best to set the game's resolution to 640x480 pixels.

  • Download red alert 2 yuri's revenge 1.001